Rev. Charles L. Elslander
Born in 1892 in Atkinson, Illinois, was the fifth of six children of Leopold Elslander, a farmer, cotton broker and Belgian immigrant, and Philomina de Fryne, a native of Holland. When he was four years of age, the family moved to Cleveland, Mississippi, and eight years later, to San Antonio, Florida, a comparatively new settlement in the west-central highlands of the state. As a training center for a future parish priest, Charles’ parents could not have chosen a better spot. Living conditions were at the pioneer stage but there were Catholic schools and an established church, the only remaining evidence of early Spanish Catholic influence.
Four years after graduating from St. Leo’s High School in neighboring St. Leo, Charles Elslander entered Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Maryland in 1914. He completed his studies for the priesthood at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York and was ordained for the Diocese of St. Augustine. He served in several parishes before being assigned to St. Martha.
Father Elslander’s service to the parish was rewarded by the Church by his elevation to the rank of Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. His service to the community was recognized when he was chosen Sarasota’s “Man of the Year” by the American Legion. Monsignor Elslander announced his plans to conclude forty years of service at St. Martha in December 1967 – having reached 75, mandatory age for retirement of priests in the Diocese. He retired in January of 1968. Monsignor lived in Sarasota in retirement and celebrated with the Parish his fifty years as a priest on June 11, 1972. He died at Maria Manor, a nursing home in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 16, 1977, and was buried from St. Martha.