If you would like to have a Mass said for a particular intention, you must stop by the Parish Office during office hours. Masses may be said for a deceased person or as a special intentions for the living. The announced Mass is a good option if the family of a deceased lives in the parish, if the person requesting the Mass would like to attend the Mass, or if the living person for whom a Mass is offered may like to attend the Mass.
An Announced Mass is a Mass celebrated on a particular day at a particular time; and are available for our daily, vigil, and Sunday Masses. It is called ‘announced’ because the intention is made public in the parish bulletin and usually mentioned by the priest celebrant.
Donation is $10. A Mass card will be given for you to send to the family.
If you are out-of-town or disabled and cannot physically come into the office:
1. You must send a letter to St. Martha Catholic Church, Attn: Mass Requests, 200 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 with a check and we will book the first available mass.
2. The letter should include your name and address, name of the deceased for which the mass is being said, and at least three choices of when and what time you would like the mass for.
3. Also included in the letter should be the name and address of the relative/family so that we may sent them a Memoriam card or book.
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