“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10
Your generous support allows us to serve 2000 families at St. Martha and the poor in our community. Your donations are our only source of funds and 100% of all donations to St. Martha stays right here in our parish. St. Martha can receive various types of gifts, including:
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Alleviating capital gains tax associated with selling stock allows parishioners to increase their gift to St. Martha. The donor receives an income tax charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock. Transferring stock is a simple process and can usually be accomplished over the phone or via email. We can provide you with the details and instructions.
Retirement Account Distribution
The federal tax law allows donors to give directly from their retirement account to St. Martha while avoiding the usual tax associated with IRA and 401k withdrawals. Plus, qualified contributions may be counted toward the Required Minimum Distributions (RMD), which are mandatory starting at age 70 ½. Donating via your retirement account is a simple process. We can provide you with the details and instructions.
Life Insurance Ownership Transfer
By transferring a life insurance policy prior to death, so that St. Martha becomes the owner and beneficiary, you are entitled to an immediate charitable deduction for income tax purposes. If you choose to continue to pay the premiums, each payment is also a deductible charitable donation. Transferring ownership is a simple process. We can provide you with the details and instructions.
Gifts of Appreciated Real Estate
Alleviating capital gains tax associated with selling real estate allows parishioners to increase their gift to St. Martha. The donor receives an income tax charitable deduction for the full market value of the real estate. We can assist you in the process of transferring real estate.
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